June 5, 14.06pm
No postings over the last week or so as I have been away, and for the first time in a while, out of internet range, which was a strange experience indeed.
The vast majority of places I go or visit, I am rarely more than a few yards away from a PC, but on holiday with the family last week on the coast of Norfolk I opted to leave it all behind and thus remove a potential distraction.
It was oddly disconcerting, being disconnected and not having every last piece of available information and entertainment immediately available. In particular, I found myself missing e-mail.
I did use my mobile's Wap service to stay in touch with cricket scores, but that was really my only indulgence - no TV or radio.
And of course, I have subsequently discovered that it didn't matter one little bit. I didn't need any of the vast weight of electronic data I might have downloaded at work or at home had I had access to it. But I don't expect that to change ny habits.
What I also discovered is that I have an addiction. Perhaps not one as dangerous as tobacco, but an addiction all the same.
What the week off did give me was the opportunity to service a little better another addiction: crime fiction. And what a great week it turned out to be.
I have found John Harvey. Where has he been all my life. More later.